Sound bar demonstrator supports Dolby Atmos

How Sound Bar Demonstrator Supporting Dolby Atmos Works


How Sound Bar Demonstrator Supporting Dolby Atmos Works.


Dolby Atmos is an object-based sound system, it has become now the benchmark for at-home surround sound. The format is now widely available from Ultra HD Blu-ray discs and streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+.


What exactly is Dolby Atmos ?


Dolby Atmos isn’t actually a soundtrack at all. It’s metadata that is used by compatible audio gear to control which speakers are reproducing certain sounds. A good example is when a aircraft flies overhead in a movie. Without Atmos information, the sound of the aircraft is embedded in one, or many, of the surround sound channels. But so are all of the other sounds you’re hearing.

Dolby Atmos Explained

With Dolby Atmos, the aircraft is treated as its own discrete object, and a Dolby Atmos receiver can use that information to separate the aircraft sound from the background sounds and move it independently from one speaker to another. The result is a very convincing 3D placement of sounds for a much more immersive movie experience.


There are many Dolby Atmos-compatible sound bars, and they can get access to Dolby Atmos content then deliver Dolby Atmos sound, that’s it ?


Technically, yes, but actually no.


For retail display manufacturers or sound bar brand end-users, they are facing the following challenges:


  • the sound bar demonstrator or soundbar audio player is not Dolby Atmos compatible if they use OEM media players;
  • the brand audio players which are Dolby Atmos compatible are not re-programmable, that’s to say, they could not build customized, interactive shopping experience;

Sound bar demonstrator supports Dolby Atmos

AOK Display’s solution is very simple.

we take advantage of the pass-through capability of our 4K UHD sound bar demonstrator, to let the audio player send the raw audio data to Dolby Atmos Compatible receiver (the demonstration sound bars ) decode the Dolby Atmos content directly. Thanks to CEC control, we could program interactive user flow and control the following user elements:

  • playlist,
  • volume increments,
  • default volume,
  • audio timeout,
  • default loop file,
  • default status: loop, mute on/off, standby,
  • playlist matcher,
  • CEC control
  • LED retail lighting patterns


All those will be tech-free done with a XML based text file, with simple syntax we defined.


To get the detailed instruction on how we make this revolutionary Dolby Atmos Sound bar retail demonstration solution, please get the user manual below:



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