Решение с сенсорным экраном, отличное от Android: почему отдают предпочтение опытные интеграторы розничной торговли?
2020-12-21Non-Android Touchscreen Solution: Why Preferred by Experienced Retail Integrators?
Multi-layer touch screen turntable for retail comparator display
Oday interactive touch media players are becoming more popular with widely available and commercial ARM-based commercial hardware with Android 4.4 / 5.1 / 6.1 / 7.1 where app developers can do what they want through their own retail integrators Can set up a device in a store with multiple touch screen: commercial tablet with Google Play preinstalled, download auto-launch apps and launch 7/24/365, connect to remote content management system for analytics & reporting.
These are the typical scenarios that brand owners, retailers as well as retail integrators face, in most cases everyone is happy with the results.
However, more and more experienced retail integrators are opting for non-Android interactive players. In the following application scenarios, they choose alternative interactive touch players based on the old-fashioned capacitive touchscreen video screen solution.
1 # Device Life: Retail projects are less than one year old.
2 # Cost: Tier B brands require a Tier B budget (cheap brands don’t like expensive retail hardware).
3 # No remote content update required, or retail network connection is not secure or expensive
Unfortunately, over 90% of in-store retail ad campaigns face the issues listed above, if brands (end users) do not have their own data analyst to integrate OmniChannel data, they will follow the advice -Android (offline).
The non-Android solution has a special term called “multi-layered touchscreen player”. Tiered means touch players can guide shoppers to a very deep level in the demo information tree, such as an index system in a library. Most importantly, it uses an identical multi-touch capacitive touchscreen to ensure that the user experience is not compromised. As a cost-effective retail solution, it often comes with an end-user content writer or retailer integrator who creates their own interactive software, such as a Power Point presentation; It is pure simplicity on the outside with complexity highlighted on the inside, technically, each function of the solution is divided into separate modular ones with an interface identifier and a set of parameters; Experienced retail integrators can use the text file configurator to quickly create an interactive ad program using a Windows PC. The content author also has a built-in self-correction logic check to make sure there is no error before loading the media content and syntax folder generated into the device. Auto copy over USB is enabled when downloading or updating content. The content author also has a built-in self-correction logic check to make sure there is no error before loading the media content and syntax folder generated into the device. Auto copy over USB is enabled when downloading or updating content. The content author also has a built-in self-correction logic check to make sure there is no error before loading the media content and syntax folder generated into the device. Auto copy over USB is enabled when downloading or updating content.
Can AOK Displays provide such a cost-effective non-Android solution?
That’s a good question, and yes, we have always provided this alternative solution for many years, and we manage to improve the solution to make it easier to install and maintain. And now we offer 10.1 to 31.5 inches in open or bezel versions.
Here is a brochure about the most popular model in this line — the 10.1 » capacitive multi-layer touch player.
And here is the documentation for the content author’s user manual.
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