Soundbar Retail Demonstrator All-in-One Made For Sony


Sony has several great soundbars for its 4K LCD TV,  due to the limited shelf size of the retail demonstration bench. Sony decided to use an all-in-one solution: A Soundbar Retail Demonstration Media Player With Built-in Video Screen.

Sony Soundbar Retail Demonstrator
Sony Soundbar Retail Demonstrator With Built-in 23.8-inch Video Screen

It was originally designed with an all-in-one video player with 23.8-inch full-viewing angle screen, sitting all the connectors on the back:

Soundbar Retail Demo
Soundbar Retail Demo All-in-One Video Player

This is not a bad idea, but it would NEVER be installation-friendly or maintenance-friendly, since it would be a challenge to develop an easy-to-manage cable solution for 8 pcs of optical cables, plus 11pcs of Molex connector cables. In order to facilitate the installation & maintenance, AOK Displays team re-designed the solution to separate the soundbar demonstration video player board from the video player, re-assigning the cable installation to a boxed media player. With LVDS cable & Backlight cable being lined-out, the new solution is even more production-friendly:

Soundbar Demonstrator
Soundbar Demonstrator

The heart of this soundbar retail demonstrator is a versatile mother board as following:

Soundbar Demonstrator Audio Board
Soundbar Demonstrator Audio Board

This board will support video screens from 10.1″ to 32″, With One Single Board To Rule Them All,  for the mini-sized demonstrator bench to luxury big retail kiosk, it supports all the retail demonstration scenarios.

In Order To Simplify The Installation Of The Retail Fixture And Make The Whole System Maintenance‐Friendly, We Have Built‐in The Lighting & Power Distribution Interface To Help Retail Integrators Add Lighting Control To Their Fixture, And Send Power To Other Retail Accessories.

Except the above mentioned design innovation, the 2nd part of unique feature of our all-in-one retail demonstration solution is the text file based configurator to manage:

  • Customizable Default Play File/ List,
  • Customizable Default Volume Of Each Output;
  • Customizable Timeout Interval Of Each Output;
  • Customizable Volume Increments;
  • Customizable Playlist ‐Output Alignment To Assign Playlist To Different Product Group(s);

When Switching Music Output, The Audio Continues From The Previous Track So That Shoppers Could Easily Compare The Sound Quality From Each Soundbar. It’s Optional With Customer Device Line‐in To Let Shoppers Listen To Their Own Favorite Music.

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